XVOF Documentation

The time loop is executed in XtentedFiniteVolume.py. Mesh objects are responsible of the cells and nodes objects. So in principle, the entry point calls a mesh method which calls a cell or node method to update variables. The following documentation specifies the role of all functions and modules in the code.


Package for cell modules

class cell.Cell(nbr_of_cells: int)

A Cell object represents all the mesh cells. Its different members are, for most of them, numpy 1D-array of nbr_of_cells length.

Memory layout is the same as in C/C++, i-e ‘row wise’.

abstract compute_mass()

Compute mass of the cells

abstract compute_new_density(mask)

Compute the new density in the cells

mask (np.array([nbr_of_cells, 1], dtype=bool)) – boolean array to identify cells to be computed
abstract compute_new_porosity(time_step, porosity_model, mask)

Compute the new porosity according to the porosity model in XDATA :param time_step: float :param porosity_model: porosity model to compute :type mask: np.array([nbr_of_cells, 1], dtype=bool)

abstract compute_new_pressure(mask, delta_t)

Compute the pressure in the cells at time t + dt

abstract compute_new_pseudo(time_step, mask)

Compute the new value of artificial viscosity in the cells

  • time_step (float) – time step
  • mask (np.array([nbr_of_cells, 1], dtype=bool)) – boolean array to identify cells to be computed
abstract compute_new_size(*args, **kwargs)

Compute the new size of the cells

abstract compute_new_time_step(mask)

Compute the new value of critical time step in the cells

mask (np.array([nbr_of_cells, 1], dtype=bool)) – boolean array to identify cells to be computed
abstract compute_size(topology, node_coord)

Compute the size of the cells

  • topology (Topology) – topology of the mesh
  • node_coord (numpy.array([nbr_of_nodes, 1], dtype=np.float64, order='C')) – array of nodal coordinates
property density

Density in the cells

property dt

Critical time step in cells

property energy

Internal energy in the cells

property fields_manager

Return a copy of the field manager

classmethod get_coordinates(nbr_cells, topology, x_coord, y_coord=None, z_coord=None)

Return the vector of cell center coordinates at time t

  • nbr_cells – number of cells
  • topology (Topology) – topology
  • x_coord (numpy.array([nbr_of_cells, 1], dtype=np.float64, order='C')) – x coordinate vector
  • y_coord (numpy.array([nbr_of_cells, 1], dtype=np.float64, order='C')) – y coordinate vector
  • z_coord (numpy.array([nbr_of_cells, 1], dtype=np.float64, order='C')) – z coordinate vector

the vector of cell center coordinates at time t

Return type

numpy.array([nbr_of_cells, topology.dimension], dtype=np.float64, order=’C’)


Variables incrementation

initialize_cell_fields(mask_node_target, mask_node_projectile, topology)

Initialisation of the cell fields and attributes of cell_in_target and cell_in_projectile

  • mask_node_target (numpy.array([nbr_of_cells, 1], dtype=bool, order='C')) – bool array for nodes in the target
  • mask_node_projectile (numpy.array([nbr_of_cells, 1], dtype=bool, order='C')) – bool array for nodes in the target
  • topology (Topology) – mesh connectivity object
property mass

Mass of the cells

property number_of_cells

Number of cells

property porosity


property pressure

Pressure in the cells


Print the fields in the cells

property pseudo

Artificial viscosity in the cells

property shear_modulus

Elastic shear modulus

property size_t

Size (length, area, volume) of the cells at time t

property size_t_plus_dt

Size (length, area, volume) of the cells at time t + dt

property sound_velocity

Sound velocity in the cells

property stress

Cauchy stress tensor in the cells

property stress_xx

Cauchy stress tensor in the cells. 1D : component xx

property stress_yy

Stress tensor field : sigma_yy

property stress_zz

Stress tensor field : sigma_zz

property yield_stress

Yield stress separating elastic from plastic behavior

class cell.OneDimensionCell(number_of_elements: int)

A class for one dimension cells

classmethod add_elastic_energy_method(dt, density_current, density_new, stress_dev_current, stress_dev_new, strain_rate_dev)

Take into account the additional term in internal energy due to elasticity

  • dt – time step
  • density_current – density at time t
  • density_new – density at time t+dt
  • stress_dev_current – stress deviator at time t
  • stress_dev_new – stress deviator at time t+dt
  • strain_rate_dev – deviator of the strain rate tensor at time t+dt/2
classmethod apply_equation_of_state(cell: xfv.src.cell.cell.Cell, eos, density: numpy.array, density_new: numpy.array, pressure: numpy.array, pressure_new: numpy.array, energy: numpy.array, energy_new: numpy.array, pseudo: numpy.array, cson_new: numpy.array)

Apply the equation of state to get the new internal energy, pressure and sound speed

  • cell – cell collection [in]
  • eos – equation of state object [in]
  • density – array of current density [in]
  • density_new – array of new velocity [in]
  • pressure – array of current pressure [in]
  • pressure_new – array of new pressure [out]
  • energy – array of current energy [in]
  • energy_new – array of new energy [out]
  • pseudo – array of artificial viscosity [in]
  • cson_new – array of sound speed [out]
apply_plasticity(mask, delta_t)

Apply plasticity treatment if criterion is activated : - compute yield stress - tests plasticity criterion - compute plastic strain rate for plastic cells

  • mask – boolean array to identify cells to be computed
  • dt – time step
property artificial_viscosity_field

Pseudoviscosity field

property classical
boolean mask indicating which cells are classical

Compute the Cauchy stress tensor (sum of pressure, artificial viscosity and deviatoric stress)

static compute_deviator_strain_rate(dt, topology, node_coord_new, node_velocity_new)

Compute strain rate deviator

  • mask – mask to select classical cells
  • dt – time step
  • topology – table of connectivity : link between cells and nodes id
  • node_coord_new – array with new nodes coordinates
  • node_velocity_new – array with new nodes velocities
compute_deviatoric_stress_tensor(mask, topology, node_coord_new, node_velocity_new, delta_t)

Compute the deviatoric part of the stress tensor

  • mask – mask to select classical cells
  • topology – table of connectivity : link between cells and nodes id
  • node_coord_new – array with new nodes coordinates (time n+1)
  • node_velocity_new – array with new nodes velocities (time n+1/2)
  • delta_t – time step (staggered tn+1/2)

Compute mass of the cells


Computation of the density of the cells at time t+dt using mass conservation principle

mask (np.array([nbr_cells, 1], dtype=bool)) – array of boolean to identify classical cells
compute_new_porosity(delta_t: float, porosity_model, mask)

Compute the new porosity according to the porosity model in XDATA

  • delta_t – model to compute the shear modulus
  • porosity_model – porosity model to compute
  • mask (np.array([nbr_cells, 1], dtype=bool)) – mask to identify the cells to be computed
compute_new_pressure(mask, dt)

Computation of the set (internal energy, pressure, sound velocity) for v-e formulation

compute_new_pseudo(delta_t: float, mask)

Computation of cells artificial viscosity at time t+dt

  • delta_t – time step
  • mask (np.array([nbr_cells, 1], dtype=bool)) – boolean array to identify classical cells
compute_new_size(topology, node_coord, mask)

Computation of the cells length at time t+dt

  • topology (Topology1D) – table to link nodes and cells index
  • node_coord (np.array([nbr_nodes, 1], dtype=np.float64)) – array with the nodes coordinates at time t+dt
  • mask (np.array([nbr_cells, 1], dtype=bool)) – boolean array to identify classical cells

Computation of the time step in the cells at time t+dt

mask (np.array([nbr_cells, 1], dtype=bool)) – boolean array to identify classical cells
classmethod compute_pseudo(delta_t: float, rho_old: numpy.array, rho_new: numpy.array, size_new: numpy.array, cel_son: numpy.array, a_pseudo: float, b_pseudo: float)

Computation of artificial viscosity

  • delta_t – time step
  • rho_old – density at time t
  • rho_new – density at time t+dt
  • size_new – cell size at time t+dt
  • cel_son – sound speed at time t
  • a_pseudo – quadratic pseudo coefficient
  • b_pseudo – linear pseudo coefficient
compute_shear_modulus(shear_modulus_model, mask)

Compute the shear modulus G according to the constitutive elasticity model in XDATA

  • shear_modulus_model – model to compute the shear modulus
  • mask (np.array([nbr_cells, 1], dtype=bool)) – mask to identify the cells to be computed
compute_size(topology, node_coord)

Computation of the cells initial length

  • topology (Topology1D) – table to link nodes and cells index
  • node_coord (np.array([nbr_nodes, 1], dtype=np.float64)) – array with nodes coordinates
classmethod compute_time_step(cfl, cfl_pseudo, rho_old, rho_new, size_new, sound_speed_new, pseudo_old, pseudo_new)

Computation of the time step

  • cfl – nombre cfl
  • cfl_pseudo – cfl linked to the shock treatment stability condition
  • rho_old – density at time t
  • rho_new – density at time t+dt
  • size_new – size of element
  • sound_speed_new – sound velocity at time t+dt
  • pseudo_old – artificial viscosity at time t
  • pseudo_new – artificial viscosity at timet+dt
compute_yield_stress(yield_stress_model, mask)

Compute the yield stress according to plasticity constitutive model in XDATA

  • yield_stress_model – model to compute the yield stress
  • mask (np.array([nbr_cells, 1], dtype=bool)) – mask to identify the cells to be computed
property density_field

Density field

property deviatoric_stress_current

Return the current deviatoric stress tensor Sxx Syy Szz

property deviatoric_stress_new

Return the new deviatoric stress tensor Sxx Syy Szz

property energy_field

Internal energy field

property enriched
boolean mask indicating which cells are enriched
property equivalent_plastic_strain_rate

Return the equivalent plastic strain rate

static general_method_deviator_strain_rate(dt, x_new, u_new)

Compute the deviator of strain rate tensor (defined at the center of the cell) from the coordinates and velocities interpolated at the center of the cell

  • dt – time step (float)
  • x_new – coordinates array at time n+1 of the left and right nodes of each cell.
  • u_new – velocity array at time n+1/2 of the left and right nodes of each cell


x_new, u_new shape is (size(mask), 2)

  • x_new is an array : array([coord_node_left, coord_node_right] * nbr_cells in the mask)
  • u_new is an array : array([velocity_node_left, velocity_node_right] * nbr_cells in the mask)
impose_pressure(ind_cell: int, pressure: float)

Pressure imposition

  • ind_cell – index of the cells
  • pressure – pressure value to be imposed

Increment cells variables from one iteration to another

property plastic_strain_rate

Return the current plastic stain rate tensor Dp_xx Dp_yy Dp_zz

property porosity_field

Porosity field

property pressure_field

Pressure field

class cell.OneDimensionHansboEnrichedCell(n_cells: int)

A collection of 1d enriched elements. Treatment for Hansbo enrichment

apply_plasticity_enr(mask_mesh, delta_t)

Apply plasticity treatment if criterion is activated :

  • compute yield stress
  • tests plasticity criterion
  • compute plastic strain rate for plastic cells
property artificial_viscosity_field
artificial viscosity field
Return type

Increment the enriched cell variables

property classical
a mask where True indicate a classical cell
classmethod compute_discontinuity_borders_velocity(disc, node_velocity)

Compute the velocities of points at the discontinuity border

  • disc – Discontinuity to be considered
  • node_velocity – array with nodes velocity
Return ug

velocity of the discontinuity left boundary

Return ud

velocity of the discontinuity right boundary

compute_enriched_deviatoric_strain_rate(dt: float, node_coord_new: numpy.array, node_velocity_new: numpy.array) → None

Compute the deviatoric strain rate for enriched cells

  • dt – time step
  • node_coord_new – array, new nodes coordinates
  • node_velocity_new – array, new nodes velocity
compute_enriched_deviatoric_stress_tensor(node_coord_new, node_velocity_new, delta_t)

Compute the deviatoric part of the stress tensor

  • node_coord_new – array, new nodes coordinates
  • node_velocity_new – array, new nodes velocity
  • delta_t – float, time step

Compute the new densities for left and right parts of the ruptured element (from mass conservation equation)

compute_enriched_elements_new_part_size(time_step, node_velocity)

Compute the new size of each ruptured element part (left size and right size)

  • time_step – time step
  • node_velocity – array, node velocities

Compute pressure, internal energy and sound velocity in left and right parts of the enriched elements

delta_t – time step

Compute the new artificial viscosity of the enriched_cells

delta_t – time_step

Compute the new local time step. The calculation is equivalent to a remeshing time step and thus underestimates the time step for the enriched cells


Compute the shear modulus for ruptured cell

shear_modulus_model – model to compute the shear modulus

Compute the complete enriched stress tensor : sigma = -(p+q) I + S


Compute the yield stress for ruptured cells

yield_stress_model – model to compute the yield stress
property density_field
density field
Return type
property deviatoric_stress_field
(deviateur de sigma)_xx field
Return type
property energy_field
energy field
Return type
property enr_artificial_viscosity

Accessor on the right part of cracked cell artificial viscosity field

property enr_density

Accessor on the right part of cracked cell density field

property enr_deviatoric_strain_rate

Accessor on the right part of cracked cell deviatoric strain rate at time t

property enr_deviatoric_stress_current

Accessor on the right part of cracked cell deviatoric stress at time t

property enr_deviatoric_stress_new

Accessor on the right part of cracked cell deviatoric stress at time t+dt

property enr_energy

Accessor on the right part of cracked cell internal energy field

property enr_equivalent_plastic_strain_rate

Accessor on the right part of cracked cell equivalent plastic strain rate at time t

property enr_plastic_strain_rate

Accessor on the right part of cracked cell plastic strain rate tensor at time t

property enr_pressure

Accessor on the right part of cracked cell pressure field

property enr_shear_modulus

Accessor on the right part of cracked cell shear modulus field

property enr_sound_velocity

Accessor on the right part of cracked cell sound speed field

property enr_stress

Accessor on the right part of cracked cell stress at time t

property enr_stress_xx

Accessor on the right part of cracked cell stress at time t

property enr_yield_stress

Accessor on the right part of cracked cell yield stress field

property enriched
a mask where True indicates an enrich cell
initialize_additional_cell_dof(disc: xfv.src.discontinuity.discontinuity.Discontinuity)

Values to initialize the right part fields when discontinuity disc is created

disc – the current discontinuity
property left_part_size

Accessor on the size of the left part of cracked cell field

property pressure_field
pressure field
Return type
Printing informations about Elements
reconstruct_enriched_elasto_field(classical_field: numpy.array, enriched_field_name: str)

True field reconstruction from the classical and enriched fields

  • classical_field – classical field
  • enriched_field_name – name of the enriched field

complete field

Return type


reconstruct_enriched_hydro_field(classical_field: xfv.src.fields.field.Field, enriched_field_name: str)

True field reconstruction from the classical and enriched fields

  • classical_field – classical field
  • enriched_field_name – name of the enriched field

complete field

Return type


property right_part_size

Accessor on the size of the right part of cracked cell field

property stress_xx_field
sigma_xx field
Return type
cell.consecutive(data: numpy.ndarray, stepsize=1)

Return an array in which each item is an array of contiguous values of the original data array

Taken from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7352684/how-to-find-the-groups-of-consecutive-elements-in-a-numpy-array

  • data – the array to be splitted in continuous arrays
  • stepsize – the difference between tow values that are considered contiguous

Cohesive Zone Model

Package for cohesive zone model modules

class cohesive_model.CohesiveLaw(cohesive_law_points: numpy.array)

A class for cohesive law implementation


Returns the cohesive force associated with the given opening

opening – discontinuity opening
classmethod interpolate_cohesive_law(opening, separation_1, separation_2, stress_1, stress_2)

Interpolate the value of cohesive stress between points 1 and 2

  • opening – discontinuity opening
  • separation_1 – separation at point 1
  • separation_2 – separation at point 2
  • stress_1 – stress at point 1
  • stress_2 – stress at point 2

cohesive stress

class cohesive_model.CohesiveZoneModel(cohesive_law_points: numpy.array, unloading_model: xfv.src.cohesive_model_unloading.unloading_model_base.UnloadingModelBase)

A class for the computation of the cohesive force


Compute the cohesive force for the current opening of discontinuity according to the current discontinuity opening

disc – discontinuity

Cohesive Zone Model : unloading options

Package for unloading the cohesive zone model modules

class cohesive_model_unloading.UnloadingModelBase(*args, **kwargs)

A model for unloading reloading path in cohesive zone model

abstract compute_unloading_reloading_condition(disc, new_opening)

Compute the cohesive stress in case of unloading or reloading condition (new_opening is less than the discontinuity maximal opening

  • disc – discontinuity
  • new_opening – opening of the discontinuity

cohesive stress (float)

class cohesive_model_unloading.ConstantStiffnessUnloading(slope)

A model for unloading reloading path with constant stiffness

compute_unloading_reloading_condition(disc, new_opening)

Compute the cohesive stress in case of unloading or reloading condition (new_opening is less than the discontinuity maximal opening

  • disc – discontinuity
  • new_opening – opening of the discontinuity

cohesive stress (float)

class cohesive_model_unloading.LossOfStiffnessUnloading

A model for unloading reloading path with decreasing stiffness

compute_unloading_reloading_condition(disc, new_opening)

Compute the cohesive stress in case of unloading or reloading condition (new_opening is less than the discontinuity maximal opening

  • disc – discontinuity
  • new_opening – opening of the discontinuity

cohesive stress (float)


Package for contact modules

class contact.ContactBase(*args, **kwargs)

An interface for all cohesive zone model

abstract compute_contact_force(node_velocity: numpy.array, disc: xfv.src.discontinuity.discontinuity.Discontinuity, delta_t: float) → float

Checks if contact and apply correction

  • node_velocity – node velocity array
  • disc – discontinuity to examine
  • delta_t – time step
class contact.LagrangianMultiplierContact

A class for contact management using Lagrangian multipliers

compute_contact_force(node_velocity: numpy.array, disc: xfv.src.discontinuity.discontinuity.Discontinuity, delta_t: float) → float

Checks if contact and apply correction

  • node_velocity – node velocity array
  • disc – discontinuity to examine
  • delta_t – time step
class contact.PenaltyContact(penalty_stiffness)

A class to manage contacts using penalty method

compute_contact_force(node_velocity: numpy.array, disc: xfv.src.discontinuity.discontinuity.Discontinuity, delta_t: float) → float

Checks if contact and apply correction

  • node_velocity – node velocity array
  • disc – discontinuity to examine
  • delta_t – time step

Customized Boundary Condition Functions

Package for customized boundary condition shape functions modules

class custom_functions.CustomFunction

A generic CustomFunction class that should be used to derive more specific custom function class

abstract evaluate(time, *args, **kwargs)

Returns the value of the function evaluated at time

  • time – the required time
  • args – other arguments
  • kwargs – other keywords arguments

the value


Return true if the instance is a pressure


Return true if the instance is a velocity


Register the current instance as a pressure


Register the current instance as a velocity

class custom_functions.ConstantValue(value)

This class defines a function that returns a constant value

evaluate(time, *args, **kwargs)

Returns the value of the function evaluated at time

time – the required time
the value
class custom_functions.MarchTable(data_file)

This class defines a value interpolated from a text file

evaluate(time, *args, **kwargs)

Return the value of the for the time given in argument

time – current time
the value
class custom_functions.Ramp(first_value, second_value, start_time, end_time)

A class that defines a ramp between 2 constants steps

property end_time

Return the time at which the slope ends

evaluate(time, *args, **kwargs)

Returns the value of the function evaluated at time

time – the required time
the value
property first_value

Return the first value

property second_value

Return the second value

property start_time

Return the time at which the slope begins

class custom_functions.SuccessiveRamp(first_p_ramp, second_p_ramp)

This class chains two Ramp functions

evaluate(time, *args, **kwargs)

Returns the value of the function evaluated at time

time – the required time
the value
class custom_functions.TwoSteps(first_value, second_value, critical_time)

This class defines a 2 constant steps function

evaluate(time, *args, **kwargs)

Returns the value of the function evaluated at time

time – the required time
the value


Package for reading the case data modules

class data.DataContainer(datafile_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path])

This class provides access to all the data found in the json datafile


Package for discontinuity modules

class discontinuity.Discontinuity(cell_id: int, mask_in_nodes: numpy.array, mask_out_nodes: numpy.array, discontinuity_position_in_ruptured_element: float, enriched_mass_matrix_props: xfv.src.data.enriched_mass_matrix_props.EnrichedMassMatrixProps)

A class describing a discontinuity 1D

compute_discontinuity_new_opening(node_position: numpy.array)

Compute the discontinuity opening

node_position – coordinates of the nodes
classmethod discontinuity_list()

Returns the list of all existing discontinuities

classmethod discontinuity_number()

Returns the number of existing discontinuities


Increment the variables of discontinuity

classmethod get_discontinuity_associated_with_cell(cell_id: int)

Loop on the discontinuities collection to find the one that contain the cell cell_id

cell_id – cell id to find
Discontinuity or None if no disc is found
property get_ruptured_cell_id

Returns the id of ruptured cell for the discontinuity


Set the __mass_matrix_updated boolean to True

property label

Accessor on label variable

property mask_disc_nodes

Accessor on the mask on the nodes of the discontinuity

the mask on the nodes “concerned” by the discontinuity
property mask_in_nodes

Accessor on the mask on the nodes “in” the discontinuity

the mask on the nodes “in” the discontinuity
property mask_out_nodes

Accessor on the mask on the nodes “out” the discontinuity

the mask on the nodes “out” the discontinuity
property mass_matrix_updated

Accessor on the boolean that indicates if the mass matrix has been computed

the boolean that indicates if the mass matrix has been computed
property position_in_ruptured_element

Accessor on the relative position of the discontinuity in ruptured element


Set the new velocity to the old one to cancel the increment that has lead to contact

Equation Of State

Package for equation of state modules

class equationsofstate.EquationOfStateBase

An interface for all equation of states

abstract solve_volume_energy(specific_volume, internal_energy, pressure, derivative, vson=None)

Solve the eos with [v, e] formulation

class equationsofstate.MieGruneisen(czero=3940.0, S1=1.489, S2=0.0, S3=0.0, rhozero=8930.0, grunzero=2.02, b=0.47, ezero=0.0)

Mie Gruneisen equation of state

property eos_param

Accessor on equation of state parameters :return:

solve_volume_energy(specific_volume, internal_energy, pressure, derivative, vson=None)

Given the specific volume and internal energy computes the pressure, sound speed and derivative of the pressure with respect to the internal energy

  • specific_volume (numpy.array) – specific volume (in)
  • internal_energy (numpy.array) – internal energy (in)
  • pressure (numpy.array) – pressure (out)
  • derivative (numpy.array) – derivative of pressure with respect to the internal energy (out)
  • vson (numpy.array) – sound speed (out)


Package for field management modules

class fields.Field(size, current_value=0.0, new_value=0.0)

Classical physical field on cells or nodes. Owning current and future values in numpy.arrays

property current_value
the current field value
Return type

Increment field values

property new_value
the future field value
Return type
property size
the size of the field (i.e number of cells or nodes on which the field is defined)
class fields.FieldManager

Field manager class


Increment all the fields registered in the manager

FigureManager (animation)

Package for figure management modules

class figure_manager.PhysicFigure(X, Y, xlabel='X', ylabel='Y', titre='titre', interface_id=0, save_path=None)


set_x_limit(val_min=0.0, val_max=1.0)

Fixation des limites en x

set_y_limit(val_min=0.0, val_max=1.0)

Fixation des limites en y

update(abscissa=None, ordinate=None, title_comp=None)

Update image to get animation And save the image if a path is given

class figure_manager.FigureManager(mesh_instance, dump=False)

A manager for figures and animations during calculation

create_figure_for_cell_field(field_x, field_y)

Creation of figures for cell fields. Abscissa is thus the cell coordinates

  • field_x – abscissa of the figure
  • field_y – ordinate of the figure
create_figure_for_node_field(field_x, field_y)

Creation of figures for nodal fields. Abscissa is thus the node coordinates

  • field_x – abscissa of the figure
  • field_y – ordinate of the figure

Creation of the reps where data is saved


Creation of the figures associtated with fields and add to the list of figures

set_iteration_controler(deltat_it: float)

The figures will be updated every delta_it iterations

deltat_it – interval between two figures
set_time_controler(deltat_t: float)

The figures will be updated every delta_t seconds

deltat_t – interval between two figures
update(time, iteration)

If the current time given in argument is above the time of next output then the manager asks each of its database to save fields. It’s the same for a current iteration above the iteration of next output

  • time – simulation time
  • iteration – id of the current iteration

Update the fields to plot using the mesh update methods


Update the fields and the associated figures

title_compl – title of the figure

Mass Matrix

Package for mass matrix modules

class mass_matrix.EnrichedMassMatrix(size_of_mass_matrix)

A class to factorize code for the enriched mass matrix

abstract assemble_enriched_mass_matrix(*sub_matrix_names)

Assemble and inverse the mass matrix after enrichment

compute_enriched_mass_matrix(discontinuity, topology, cells_mass)

Compute the enriched mass matrix for Hansbo shape functions (associated with 1 discontinuity)

  • discontinuity – discontinuity to be considered
  • topology – topology = connectivity
  • cells_mass – array of cells mass
abstract compute_enriched_mass_matrix_left_part(mass_0: float, mass_1: float, epsilon: float)

Compute the Hansbo mass matrix for the left part DDL are organized : 0 : N1g and 1 : N2g

  • mass_0 – mass of the element right on the left of the cracked cell
  • mass_1 – mass of the cracked cell
  • epsilon – relative position of the disc inside the cracked cell
abstract compute_enriched_mass_matrix_right_part(mass_1: float, mass_2: float, epsilon: float)

Compute the Hansbo mass matrix for the right part DDL are organized : 2 : N2d and 3: N1d

  • mass_1 – mass of the cracked cell
  • mass_2 – mass of the element right on the right of the cracked cell
  • epsilon – relative position of the disc inside the cracked cell
abstract get_mass_matrix_left()

Accessor on the part of mass matrix concerning the left part of the cracked cell

abstract get_mass_matrix_right()

Accessor on the part of mass matrix concerning the right part of the cracked cell

property inverse_enriched_mass_matrix_classic_dof

Accessor on the inverse of the mass matrix for classical degrees of freedom

the extraction of the inverse of the mass matrix for classical dof
property inverse_enriched_mass_matrix_enriched_dof

Accessor on the inverse of the mass matrix for enriched degrees of freedom

extraction of the inverse of the mass matrix for enriched dof
abstract print_enriched_mass_matrix()

Print the mass matrix * (with aligned members)

abstract rearrange_dof_in_inv_mass_matrix()

Rearrange dof to easily compute the node velocity with classical and enriched dof separately

class mass_matrix.EnrichedMassMatrixConsistent

A class for the consistent enriched mass matrix


Assemble and inverse the mass matrix after enrichment

compute_enriched_mass_matrix_left_part(mass_0: float, mass_1: float, epsilon: float)

Compute the Hansbo mass matrix for the left part DDL are organized : 0 : N1g and 1 : N2g

  • mass_0 – mass of the element right on the left of the cracked cell
  • mass_1 – mass of the cracked cell
  • epsilon – relative position of the disc inside the cracked cell
compute_enriched_mass_matrix_right_part(mass_1: float, mass_2: float, epsilon: float)

Compute the Hansbo mass matrix for the right part DDL are organized : 2 : N2d and 3: N1d

  • mass_1 – mass of the cracked cell
  • mass_2 – mass of the element right on the right of the cracked cell
  • epsilon – relative position of the disc inside the cracked cell

Accessor on the part of mass matrix concerning the left part of the cracked cell


Accessor on the part of mass matrix concerning the right part of the cracked cell

property inverse_enriched_mass_matrix_classic_dof

Accessor on the inverse of the mass matrix for classical degrees of freedom

the extraction of the inverse of the mass matrix for classical dof
property inverse_enriched_mass_matrix_coupling_dof

Accessor on the inverse of the mass matrix for coupling between classical and enriched degrees of freedom

the coupling part of the inverse of the mass matrix
property inverse_enriched_mass_matrix_enriched_dof

Accessor on the inverse of the mass matrix for enriched degrees of freedom

extraction of the inverse of the mass matrix for enriched dof

Print the mass matrix * (with aligned members)


Rearrange dof to easily compute the node velocity with classical and enriched dof separately

class mass_matrix.EnrichedMassMatrixLump

A class for the lumped enriched mass matrix


Assemble and inverse the mass matrix after enrichment

abstract compute_enriched_mass_matrix_left_part(mass_0: float, mass_1: float, epsilon: float)

Compute the Hansbo mass matrix for the left part DDL are organized : 0 : N1g and 1 : N2g

  • mass_0 – mass of the element right on the left of the cracked cell
  • mass_1 – mass of the cracked cell
  • epsilon – relative position of the disc inside the cracked cell
abstract compute_enriched_mass_matrix_right_part(mass_1: float, mass_2: float, epsilon: float)

Compute the Hansbo mass matrix for the right part DDL are organized : 2 : N2d and 3: N1d

  • mass_1 – mass of the cracked cell
  • mass_2 – mass of the element right on the right of the cracked cell
  • epsilon – relative position of the disc inside the cracked cell
get_mass_matrix_left() → numpy.array

Accessor on the part of mass matrix concerning the left part of the cracked cell

get_mass_matrix_right() → numpy.array

Accessor on the part of mass matrix concerning the right part of the cracked cell

property inverse_enriched_mass_matrix_classic_dof

Accessor on the inverse of the mass matrix for classical degrees of freedom

the extraction of the inverse of the mass matrix for classical dof
property inverse_enriched_mass_matrix_enriched_dof

Accessor on the inverse of the mass matrix for enriched degrees of freedom

extraction of the inverse of the mass matrix for enriched dof

Print the mass matrix * (with aligned members)


Rearrange dof to easily compute the node velocity with classical and enriched dof separately

class mass_matrix.EnrichedMassMatrixLumpMenouillard

A class for the lumped enriched mass matrix for Menouillard lumping

compute_enriched_mass_matrix_left_part(mass_0: float, mass_1: float, epsilon: float)

Compute the Hansbo mass matrix for the left part DDL are organized : 0 : N1g and 1 : N2g

  • mass_0 – mass of the element right on the left of the cracked cell
  • mass_1 – mass of the cracked cell
  • epsilon – relative position of the disc inside the cracked cell
compute_enriched_mass_matrix_right_part(mass_1: float, mass_2: float, epsilon: float)

Compute the Hansbo mass matrix for the right part DDL are organized : 2 : N2d and 3: N1d

  • mass_1 – mass of the cracked cell
  • mass_2 – mass of the element right on the right of the cracked cell
  • epsilon – relative position of the disc inside the cracked cell
class mass_matrix.EnrichedMassMatrixLumpSum

A class for the enriched mass matrix lumped with sum of lines of the consistent enriched mass matrix

compute_enriched_mass_matrix_left_part(mass_0: float, mass_1: float, epsilon: float)

Compute the Hansbo mass matrix for the left part DDL are organized : 0 : N1g and 1 : N2g

  • mass_0 – mass of the element right on the left of the cracked cell
  • mass_1 – mass of the cracked cell
  • epsilon – relative position of the disc inside the cracked cell
compute_enriched_mass_matrix_right_part(mass_1: float, mass_2: float, epsilon: float)

Compute the Hansbo mass matrix for the right part DDL are organized : 2 : N2d and 3: N1d

  • mass_1 – mass of the cracked cell
  • mass_2 – mass of the element right on the right of the cracked cell
  • epsilon – relative position of the disc inside the cracked cell
class mass_matrix.OneDimensionMassMatrix(number_of_nodes, consistent_matrix_on_last_cells=False)

A class for 1d mass matrix

compute_correction_mass_matrix_for_cell_500(cell_mass_vector, mask_node, topologie)

Compute the exact form of mass matrix (classical) , no lumping

  • cell_mass_vector – vector of cells mass
  • mask_node – id of cell to be considered
  • topologie – topology
compute_mass_matrix(topology, cell_mass_vector, node_number_by_cell_vector)

Compute the mass matrix and its inverse according to Wilkins method

  • topology – topology of the simulation
  • cell_mass_vector – cells mass vector
  • node_number_by_cell_vector – number of nodes per cell (vector)
property inverse_correction_mass_matrix

Accessor on the inverse of the exact mass matrix

the inverse of the exact mass matrix
property inverse_mass_matrix

Accessor on the inverse of the mass matrix

the inverse of the mass matrix
property mass_matrix

Accessor on _mass_matrix

property mass_matrix_correction

Accessor on _mass_matrix

class mass_matrix.SymNDArray

Une classe pour les matrices symétriques

mass_matrix.compute_wilkins_mass_matrix(topology, cell_mass_vector, node_number_by_cell_vector)

Compute nodal mass by averaging the mass of neighbouring cells (Wilkins method)

  • topology (Topology) – topology of the simulation
  • cell_mass_vector (numpy.array([nbr_of_nodes, 1], dtype=np.float64, order='C')) – cells mass vector
  • node_number_by_cell_vector (numpy.array([nbr_of_nodes, 1], dtype=np.int64, order='C')) – number of nodes per cell (vector)
mass_matrix.multiplication_masse(matrix, vector)

Fonction pour faire le produit matriciel matrice * vecteur adapté pour la matrice masse sous forme de vecteur

:param matrix : matrix (array multiD) :param vector: vector (array 1D)

>>> import numpy as np
>>> matrice  = np.array([1., 2., 3., 4.])
>>> vecteur = np.array([1., 1./2., 1./3., 1./4.])
>>> multiplication_masse(matrice, vecteur)
array([ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.])
>>> matrice_bis =     np.array([[1., 2., 3., 4.], [2., 4., 0.5, -1], [3., 0.5, 1., -2.], [4., -1, -2., 3.]])
>>> vecteur_bis = np.array([1., 1./2., 1./4., 1./4.])
>>> multiplication_masse(matrice_bis, vecteur_bis)
array([ 3.75 ,  3.875,  3.   ,  3.75 ])

MassMatrix de type MassMatrix Fonction pour faire inverse la matrice masse, qu’elle soit sous forme de vecteur ou de matrice

matrix – matrix to inverse

Condense la matrice de masse avec la méthode de Menouillard (on somme sur toute la ligne pour obtenir une matrice diagonale)

matrix – matrix to lump


Package for mesh modules

class mesh.Mesh1dEnriched(initial_coordinates, initial_velocities)

This class defines a one dimensional mesh with potential enrichment

apply_contact_correction(delta_t: float)

Compute the contact force to be applied to ensure non penetration of the discontinuities boundaries

delta_t – time step
apply_elasticity(delta_t, shear_modulus_model, mask_material)

Compute the deviatoric part of stress tensor

  • delta_t – float, time step staggered
  • shear_modulus_model – model to compute the shear modulus
  • mask_material – array of bool to select cells of interest
apply_plasticity(delta_t: float, yield_stress_model, plasticity_criterion, mask_mesh: numpy.array)

Apply plasticity treatment if criterion is activated :

  • compute yield stress
  • tests plasticity criterion
  • compute plastic strain rate for plastic cells
  • delta_t – time step
  • yield_stress_model – model to compute the yield stress
  • plasticity_criterion – model for the plasticity criterion
  • mask_mesh – mask cells in projectile or target
apply_pressure(surface, pressure)

Apply a given pressure on left or right boundary

  • surface (str ('left' | 'right')) – name of the surface where pressure has to be imposed
  • pressure (float) – value of the pressure to impose
apply_rupture_treatment(treatment, time: float)

Apply the rupture treatment on the cells enforcing the rupture criterion

apply_velocity_boundary_condition(surface, velocity)

Apply a given velocity on left or right boundary

property artificial_viscosity_field

Artificial viscosity field


Assembling pressure and stress deviator

property cells_coordinates

Cells coordinates (coordinates of cells centers)


Cell mass computation


Computation of cells sizes at t


Computation of cells densities at t+dt

compute_new_cells_porosity(delta_t: float, porosity_model)

Computation of porosity model for each cell at t+dt

  • delta_t – time step
  • porosity_model – model to compute the porosity model
compute_new_cells_pressures(delta_t: float)

Computation of cells pressure at t+dt

delta_t – time step
compute_new_cells_pseudo_viscosity(delta_t: float)

Computation of cells artificial viscosity at t+dt

delta_t – time step

Computation of cells sizes at t+dt


Computation of cohesive forces at t+dt

compute_new_nodes_coordinates(delta_t: float)

Computation of nodes coordinates at t+dt

delta_t – time step

Computation of nodes forces at t+dt

compute_new_nodes_velocities(delta_t: float)

Computation of nodes velocities at t+dt

delta_t – time step

Computation of new time step


Nodal mass computation

property density_field

Density field

property deviatoric_stress_field

Deviatoric stress field

property energy_field

Internal energy field

static get_discontinuity_list()

Returns the list of existing discontinuities


Find the cells where the rupture criterion is checked and store them

rupture_criterion (RuptureCriterion) – rupture criterion

Moving to next time step

property nodes_coordinates

Nodes coordinates

property porosity_field

Porosity field

property pressure_field

Pressure field

property shear_modulus_field

Shear Modulus

property stress_xx_field

First component of the Cauchy stress tensor

property topology

Returns the topology object (in order to get it accessible for unittests)

property velocity_field

Node velocity field

property yield_stress_field

Yield Stress

class mesh.Topology(nbr_of_nodes, nbr_of_cells, dim=1)

A class to manage mesh topology and objects connectivity

add_cell_in_contact_with_node(ind_node: int, ind_cell: int)

Register a cell ind_cell as belonging to the node ind_node

  • ind_cell – cell index connected to ind_node
  • ind_node – node index connected to ind_cell
property cells_in_contact_with_node

Returns the array for cells <-> nodes connectivity

property dimension

Return the dimension of the mesh

get_cells_in_contact_with_node(ind_node: int)

Returns the cell indexes connected to the node ind_node

ind_node – node index
get_nodes_belonging_to_cell(ind_cell: int)

Returns the node indexes connected to the cell ind_cell :param ind_cell: cell_index

property nodes_belonging_to_cell

Returns the array for nodes <-> cells connectivity

set_nodes_belonging_to_cell(ind_cell, ind_node_list)

Register a node list as belonging to the cell ‘ind_cell’

  • ind_cell (int) – cell index
  • ind_node_list (list) – list of the node index connected to ind_cell
class mesh.Topology1D(nbr_of_nodes, nbr_of_cells)

1D specialization of the Topology class

>>> my_topo = Topology1D(11, 10)
>>> my_topo.get_cells_in_contact_with_node(0)
array([ -1, 0])
>>> my_topo.get_cells_in_contact_with_node(5)
array([4, 5])
>>> my_topo.get_nodes_belonging_to_cell(9)
array([ 9, 10])
>>> my_topo.get_cells_in_contact_with_node(np.array([1, 3]))
array([[0, 1],
       [2, 3]])
>>> my_topo.cells_in_contact_with_node[:]
array([[ -1, 0],
       [ 0,  1],
       [ 1,  2],
       [ 2,  3],
       [ 3,  4],
       [ 4,  5],
       [ 5,  6],
       [ 6,  7],
       [ 7,  8],
       [ 8,  9],
       [ 9, -1]])
add_cell_in_contact_with_node(ind_node, ind_cell)

Register a cell ind_cell as belonging to the node ind_node

  • ind_cell – cell index connected to ind_node
  • ind_node – node index connected to ind_cell


Package for nodes module

class node.Node(nbr_of_nodes, position_initiale, dim=1, vitesse_initiale=None)

Un objet Node représente l’ensemble des noeuds du maillages. Ses différents membres sont essentiellement des vecteurs de nbr_of_nodes lignes. Plusieurs colonnes peuvent être présentes selon la dimension du problème à traiter.

L’organisation en mémoire est comme en C/C++ c’est à dire ‘row wise’. C’est pour cette raison que les lignes de chacun des vecteurs représentent les noeuds. Ce faisant on a par exemple tous les X des noeuds contigus en mêmoire. (vectorisation, localisation spatiale)

compute_new_coodinates(mask: numpy.array, delta_t: float)

Calcul de la coordonnée au temps t+dt

  • mask – mask to select some specific nodes
  • delta_t – time step
abstract compute_new_force(*args, **kwargs)

Compute the nodal forces

abstract compute_new_velocity(delta_t, mask, matrice_masse)

Compute the velocity at time t+dt/2

  • delta_t – staggered timestep
  • mask – boolean array to identify nodes to be computes
property dimension

Dimension du problème

dimension du problème
Return type
property enriched

Returns an array of the status of all nodes False = classical node True = enriched node

numpy.array([nbr_of_nodes], dtype=bool)
property force

Forces nodales

vecteur des forces nodales
Return type
numpy.array([nbr_of_nodes, 1], dtype=np.float64, order=’C’)

Update the node velocities and coordinates


Affichage des informations concernant le noeud d’indice index

index (int) – indice du noeud à afficher
property masse

Masses nodales

vecteur des masses nodales
Return type
numpy.array([nbr_of_nodes, 1], dtype=np.float64, order=’C’)
property number_of_nodes

Nombre de noeuds du problème

dimension du problème
Return type
property umundemi

Vitesses au demi pas de temps précédent

vitesses des noeuds au demi pas de temps précédent
Return type
numpy.array([nbr_of_nodes, dim], dtype=np.float64, order=’C’)
property upundemi

Vitesses au demi pas de temps suivant

vitesses des noeuds au demi pas de temps suivant
Return type
numpy.array([nbr_of_nodes, dim], dtype=np.float64, order=’C’)
property xt

Positions des noeuds au temps t

positions des noeuds au temps t
Return type
numpy.array([nbr_of_nodes, dim], dtype=np.float64, order=’C’)
property xtpdt

Positions des noeuds au temps t + dt

positions des noeuds au temps t + dt
Return type
numpy.array([nbr_of_nodes, dim], dtype=np.float64, order=’C’)
class node.OneDimensionNode(nbr_of_nodes, poz_init, vit_init, section=1.0)

A class to manage all the nodes in a 1d mesh

apply_correction_reference_bar(delta_t, inv_complete_mass_matrix, inv_wilkins_mass_matrix, mask)

Apply a correction on velocity field to compute velocity from exact(non lumped) mass matrix for elements in mask

apply_pressure(ind_node, pressure)

Apply pressure on a given node

  • ind_node (int) – node index to apply the pressure at
  • pressure (float) – pressure to be applied
apply_velocity_boundary_coundition(ind_node, velocity)

Appliquer une CL en vitesse sur le noeud ind_node

  • ind_node
  • velocity

property classical
boolean mask indicating which nodes are classical

Compute the true field of nodal velocity

compute_new_force(topologie, contrainte, classical_cell_mask: numpy.array)

Calcul des forces agissant sur les noeuds

  • topologie (Topology) – topologie du calcul
  • contrainte (numpy.array([nbr_of_node-1, 1], dtype=np.float64, order='C')) – tenseur des contriante de cauchy sigma xx
  • classical_cell_mask – masks of the classical cells
compute_new_velocity(delta_t, mask, matrice_masse)

Computes the node velocities at time t+dt/2

  • delta_t (float) – pas de temps
  • mask (boolean array) – boolean array to select non enriched nodes
  • matrice_masse – inverse de la matrice de masse
property enrichment_not_concerned

By definition, a node is concerned by enrichment if one of his connected cell is enriched, ie if its evolution is modified by enrichment :return: boolean mask indicating which nodes are concerned by enrichment


Affichage des informations concernant le noeud d’indice index

index (int) – node index to print
property section

Surface associated with a node

property velocity_field

True field of the node velocities

class node.OneDimensionHansboEnrichedNode(nbr_of_nodes: int, initial_positions: numpy.array, initial_velocities: numpy.array, section=1.0)

A class for the enriched nodes with Hansbo enrichment

apply_force_on_discontinuity_boundaries_arr(force: numpy.ndarray) → None

Transport the force to apply on discontinuity boundaries on the classical and enriched nodes

force – value of the force to apply
property classical
boolean mask indicating which nodes are classical

Compute the true field of node velocity

compute_enr_new_velocity(disc, delta_t)

Compute the new velocity enriched degree of freedom

  • disc – the current discontinuity
  • delta_t – float, time step

Compute the cohesive forces for the enriched nodes

cohesive_model – cohesive model
compute_enriched_nodes_new_force(contrainte_xx: numpy.array, enr_contrainte_xx)

Compute the enriched force on enriched nodes and apply correction for classical force on enriched nodes (classical ddl)

  • contrainte_xx – vecteur contrainte xx, array de taille (nb_cell, 1)
  • enr_contrainte_xx – vecteur contrainte xx enrichie, array de taille (nb_cell, 1)
coupled_enrichment_terms_compute_new_velocity(disc, delta_t)

Compute the coupled terms between classical and enriched dof due to non diagonal complete mass matrix. Takes into account nodes concerned by enrichment and not only the enriched nodes

  • disc – the current discontinuity
  • delta_t – time step
property enriched
boolean mask indicating which nodes are enriched
static enriched_nodes_compute_new_coordinates(disc: xfv.src.discontinuity.discontinuity.Discontinuity, delta_t: float)

Compute the new nodes coordinates after enrichment

  • disc – current discontinuity
  • delta_t – time step
property enrichment_concerned

By definition, the nodes concerned by enrichment have non null enriched shape function on their support

boolean mask indicating which nodes are concerned by enrichment
property enrichment_not_concerned
boolean mask indicating which nodes are not concerned by enrichment

Print information

initialize_additional_node_dof(disc: xfv.src.discontinuity.discontinuity.Discontinuity)

Initialialise les ddl enrichis aux noeuds

disc – Discontinuity
reinitialize_kinematics_after_contact(disc: xfv.src.discontinuity.discontinuity.Discontinuity)

Set the new velocity to the old one to cancel the increment that has lead to contact

disc – discontinuity to be considered
property velocity_field

Accessor on the true node velocity field


Package for output management modules

class output_manager.OutputDatabase(path_to_hdf5)

A class to store simulation fields in an hdf5 database

add_field(f_name, values, **kwargs)

Create a dataset corresponding to field_name and storing the values. All extra keywords arguments are stored as attributes of the dataset

f_name – name of the field to be added

Create an hdf5 group containing all fields for the current time

time – time to be added

Close the database

class output_manager.OutputManager

The manager of all outputs


Close all the database

get_value_of_field(field: xfv.src.output_manager.outputmanager.Field, owner) → numpy.array

Get the np.array associated to the field following all the attribute names list

  • field – field to be extracted
  • owner – object who supports the fields
register_all_fields(enrichment_registration, cells, nodes, database_id)

Add all fields to the manager.

  • enrichment_registration – bool to control if the enriched fields should be registered
  • cells – cells from which fields must be printed
  • nodes – nodes from which fields must be printed
  • database_id – identifier of the database
register_database_iteration_ctrl(database_name, database_obj, delta_it)

Add a database to the manager. The database will be updated every delta_it iterations

register_database_time_ctrl(database_name, database_obj, delta_t)

Add a database to the manager. The database will be updated every deltat_t seconds

register_field(field_name, field_support, field_attr_name, indexes=None, database_names=None)

Add a field to the manager. Each field will be stored in every database in arguments if specified else in every database registered

update(time, iteration, eps, discontinuity_list)

If the current time given in argument is above the time of next output then the manager asks each of its database to save fields. It’s the same for a current iteration above the iteration of next output

Additional_dof_fields are created when a new discontinuity is created. Need to treat them in a different way from classical fields. Based on this remark, enr_fields have standard name “Additional…” Differentiation is made with test startswith(Additional)

class output_manager.OutputTimeControler(identifier, time_period=None, iteration_period=None)

Compute the time or iteration of outputs

db_has_to_be_updated(time: float, iteration: int) → bool

Return True if the iteration or time requires to write fields in the database and update the next output time or iteration.

  • time – current time
  • iteration – current iteration
class output_manager.OutputDatabaseExploit(path_to_db)

A class for exploiting the output stored in Hdf5 database


Read database to extract the discontinuity opening, cohesive force and a bool to filter results

time – time which to extract data at
extract_field_at_time(field_name, time)

Return the value of the specified field at time time in a numpy array

  • field_name – name of the field to be extracted
  • time – time at which the field has to be extracted

the values of the field at time time

extract_fields_for_cohesive_zone_model(cracked_cell_index, time)

Read database to extract the discontinuity opening, cohesive force and a bool to filter results

  • cracked_cell_index – cell id containing the cohesive zone
  • time – time which to extract data at
extract_true_field_at_time(field_type, time)

Return the value of the true field at time time in a numpy array

  • field_type – type of the true field (“Pressure”, “Density” …)
  • time – time at which the field has to be extracted

the values of the true field at time time


Return the cells center coordinate at time time

time – time at which the cells coordinates are computed
the cells center coordinates

Return the cells true sizes at time time

time – time at which the cells sizes are computed
the cells true sizes

Extract nodes coordinates from database

property nb_saved_times

Return the number of time step that have been saved

the number of time step that have been saved
property saved_fields

Return the different fields stored in the database

the different fields stored in the database
property saved_fields_type

Return the different fields type stored in the database

the different fields type stored in the database
property saved_times

Return the list of saved times

the list of saved times
output_manager.build_node_true_field(classical_field, enrichment_type=None)

Build the node true field based on the node status

  • classical_field – field of classical values
  • enriched_field – field of enriched values
  • node_status – boolean mask where True indicates an enriched item
  • enrichment_type – type of enrichment

the node true field

output_manager.build_cell_true_field(classical_field, enriched_field, enrichment_type)

Build the cell true field based on the cell status

  • classical_field – field of classical values
  • enriched_field – field of enriched values
  • enrichment_type – type of enrichment. Moes ou Hansbo (utile pour reconstruction)

the cell true field

>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.array([1., 2., 1.])
>>> b = np.array([0., 0.5, 0.])
>>> s = np.array([False, True, False])
>>> build_cell_true_field(a, b, s).tolist()
[1.0, 1.5, 2.5, 1.0]
>>> b = np.array([0.25, 0., 0.])
>>> s = np.array([True, False, False])
>>> build_cell_true_field(a, b, s).tolist()
[0.75, 1.25, 2.0, 1.0]
>>> a = np.array([1., -2., 2., 3., -7, 10.])
>>> b = np.array([0., -2., 0., 0., 2., 0.])
>>> s = np.array([False, True, False, False, True, False])
>>> build_cell_true_field(a, b, s).tolist()
[1.0, 0.0, -4.0, 2.0, 3.0, -9.0, -5.0, 10.0]
>>> a = np.array([-3., 2., 1., -3., -5, 9.])
>>> b = np.array([0., -2., 3., 0., 0., 0.])
>>> s = np.array([False, True, True, False, False, False])
>>> build_cell_true_field(a, b, s).tolist()
[-3.0, 4.0, 0.0, -2.0, 4.0, -3.0, -5.0, 9.0]

Plasticity criterion

Package for plasticity criterion modules

class plasticitycriterion.PlasticityCriterion

An abstract base class for plasticity criteria

abstract static check_criterion(cells)

Check the plasticity criterion on the cells in arguments

cells – cells on which to check the criterion
abstract static check_criterion_on_right_part_cells(cells)

Check the plasticity criterion on the discontinuity in arguments

cells – cells on which to check the criterion
class plasticitycriterion.VonMisesCriterion

A plasticity criterion based on Von Mises model


Return the mask of the cells where the VonMises plasticity criterion is verified

cells – cells on which to check the criterion
the mask of the cells where the VonMises plasticity criterion is verified
static check_criterion_on_right_part_cells(cells)

Return the mask of the cells where the VonMises plasticity criterion is verified

cells – cells on which to check the criterion
the mask of the cells where the VonMises plasticity criterion is verified


Package for rheology modules

class rheology.ShearModulus(initial_value)

Abstract class for the shear modulus computation

abstract compute(density: numpy.array) → numpy.array

Compute the new value of shear modulus

density – the current density
the computed shear modulus
class rheology.ConstantShearModulus(init_value)

Class for constant shear modulus

compute(density: numpy.array) → numpy.array

Compute the shear modulus => returns constant value of shear modulus

density – the current density
the computed shear modulus
class rheology.YieldStress(initial_value)

Interface for yield stress computation

abstract compute(density: numpy.array) → numpy.array

Compute the new value of shear modulus

density – the current density
the computed yield stress
class rheology.ConstantYieldStress(init_value)

A class for constant yield stress calculation

compute(density: numpy.array) → numpy.array

Compute the value of the yield stress

density – the current density
the computed yield stress

Rupture criterion

Package for rupture criterion modules

class rupturecriterion.RuptureCriterion

An abstract base class for rupture criteria

abstract check_criterion(cells, *args, **kwargs)

Check of the rupture criterion on the cells in arguments :param cells: cells on which to check the criterion

class rupturecriterion.HalfRodComparisonCriterion(ruptured_cell_index=500)

A not physical rupture criterion to validate XFEM by comparing results to other results obtained without XFEM on a half rod

check_criterion(cells, *args, **kwargs)

Return the mask of the cells where only the ruptured_cell_index is set to True

cells – cells on which to check criterion
mask of the cells where only the ruptured_cell_index is set to True
class rupturecriterion.DamageCriterion(d_limite)

A rupture criterion based on damage value

check_criterion(cells, *args, **kwargs)

Return the mask of the cells where pressure is below the minimum pressure

cells – cells on which to check the criterion
the mask of the cells where pressure is below the minimum pressure
class rupturecriterion.MinimumPressureCriterion(pmin)

A rupture criterion based on minimal pressure

check_criterion(cells, *args, **kwargs)

Return the mask of the cells where pressure is below the minimum pressure :param cells: cells on which to check the criterion :return: the mask of the cells where pressure is below the minimum pressure

class rupturecriterion.MaximalStressCriterion(sigma_max)

A rupture criterion based on minimal pressure

check_criterion(cells, *args, **kwargs)

Return the mask of the cells where pressure is below the minimum pressure

cells – cells on which to check the criterion
the mask of the cells where pressure is below the minimum pressure

Rupture treatments

Package for failure treatment modules

class rupturetreatment.RuptureTreatment

An interface for rupture treatments

abstract apply_treatment(cells, ruptured_cells, *args, **kwargs)

Application of the treatment on the ruptured cells

  • cells – array of all cells
  • ruptured_cells – boolean array marking the ruptured cells
class rupturetreatment.ImposedPressure(pressure)

A treatment of rupture by imposing pressure

apply_treatment(cells, ruptured_cells, *args, **kwargs)

Apply the rupture treatment by imposing the pressure on the ruptured cells

  • cells – array of all cells
  • ruptured_cells – boolean array marking the ruptured cells
class rupturetreatment.EnrichElement(position_rupture: float, lump_matrix: xfv.src.data.enriched_mass_matrix_props.EnrichedMassMatrixProps)

A treatment that enrich one of the ruptured cells

apply_treatment(cells, ruptured_cells, nodes, topology, time)

Apply the rupture treatment by enriching one of the cells that is marked as ruptured cells

  • cells – array of all cells
  • ruptured_cells – boolean array marking the ruptured cells
  • nodes – array of all nodes
  • topology – topology of the problem
initialize_cracked_cell_size(cells, cell_tb_enr)

Compute the size of the each part of the newly enriched cell

  • cells – cell collection
  • cell_tb_enr – id if the cell to be enriched

property lump_style

Accessor on the mass matrix lumping to be applied

property position_rupture

Accessor on the relative position of discontinuity inside the enriched cell


Package for solver modules

class solver.NewtonRaphsonBase(function_to_vanish, nb_iterations_max, increment_method)

This a base class for 1D non linear Newton-Raphson solver

abstract compute_solution(init_variable)

Compute the solution

property function

Returns the function to vanish

property nb_iterations_max

Returns the maximum iteration number

class solver.NewtonRaphson(function_to_vanish)

This class implements a Newton Raphson type non linear solver


Compute the solution through Newton-Raphson algorithm


Allow a change of incrementation method

class solver.ClassicalNewtonRaphsonIncrement

Classe définissant un incrément classique de l’algorithme de Newton-Raphson

computeIncrement(function_value, derivative_function_value)

Increment computation


Package for utilities modules


A decorator allowing to write in the file, the real and cpu execution times of the decorated function

filename – name of the output file
utilities.compute_second_invariant(dev_stress: numpy.array)

Compute the square of the second invariant of stress tensor J2 = sqrt(3/2 S:S) where S is the deviatoric part of stress tensor

dev_stress – deviatoric stress tensor
utilities.compute_trace(stress: numpy.array)

Compute trace(sigma)

stress – stress tensor

A context manager for capturing output (by Jonathon Reinhart)

class utilities.Singleton(*args, **kwargs)

A metaclass implementing singleton pattern


Delete the singleton

Index and tables